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$aving money as a nursing $tudent

Updated: Oct 9, 2019

Budgeting Determine your expenses, income, savings, etc. and physically save it. This will help you to understand your personal patterns and base a budget off of.


Consider your school schedule, study time, sleep time, social time, YOU time (don't burn yourself out), etc. Remember! Clinicals can be on weekends too. When looking for a job, look for flexible hours. Check for jobs online (Indeed: Job Search Canada

Managing your budget

The first step is to open a bank account that you use to pay your expenses and deposit your income. Consider a STUDENT chequing account and a saving account (Tax-Free Savings Account, Registered Education Saving Plan). Consider getting a student line of credit or credit card. This will help build credit and can gain rewards. Speak to your bank about options.

Assess your savings

Save from summer jobs income and part-time job income (during school year). Key is to start today, put aside a regular monthly amount. Social supports often offer to assist with school savings (parents, grandparents, etc.). Tax refunds can also be beneficial towards putting in a savings account.


Scholarships and bursaries are often awarded because of demonstrated:

-Academic performance

-Financial need

-Athletic prowess

-Extracurricular activities

Scholarships and bursaries are offered upon entry at Trent University. Trent also offers scholarships, awards and bursaries ( Trent/Fleming School of Nursing offers awards as well on the Intranet on BlackBoard (

External sources offer scholarships, awards and bursaries that often require an essay -or something similar. Remember these topics are often similar, such that they can be recycled to an extent.

Check and make accounts to the following websites:

Used textbooks

You can make money back by selling your books at the end of the year, too.Trent has facebook groups with students buying and selling old textbooks ( The TCSA App is also another way to buy and sell books. The Trent Student Central Association office also offer the service of buying and selling used textbooks.

Free food

Find free food events. Many clubs and groups offer free events that have food, JOIN THEM! (

Opting OUT - School insurance

Peterborough full-time students are automatically enrolled in and billed for Health and Dental plans. If you already have coverage through your parent’s plan, you may submit an online request to opt-out through the Trent Central Student Association (TCSA).


To get the discounted student fare, you must have a GO-approved student ID and a reloadable Presto card (

Trent student fees also cover peterborough bus transportations. This is important in regards to clinical. Check offered clinical placements and coordinate it with the bus routes to save money on transportation.

Pack your lunches and snacks

Living on your own has many temptations, and few are more frequent than buying something tasty and convenient. If you spend $5 extra per day on food, though, that’s thousands of dollars per year. Pack your lunch instead.

Buy used clothing

There are multiple thrift stores in Peterborough, such as Vinnies, Humane Society Thrift Shop, Salvation Army Thrift Store, Value Village, Tallize Thrift Store. Sadlier House also offers the Free Market, check it out during open hours. There are Free Market Bins across campus, check those out too!

Pick up sexual health products on campus

Don’t spend money on condoms, they’re free on campus.

Pick up your free day planner

The TSCA offers free agendas.

Use the campus gym

Your student fees give access to a free or cheap campus gym. If you’re really cheap, shower there and save money on soap and shampoo.

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